Rishi Sunak has lost the argument – and lost control of NHS strikes

Editorial: The prime minister is being very foolish if he thinks he can just sit and do nothing while the crisis in the health service – exacerbated but not caused by this rare industrial action – worsens

Wednesday 21 December 2022 10:22
<p>Some of his own MPs have urged him to give way, as public opinion remains sympathetic to the NHS staff and their cause</p>

Some of his own MPs have urged him to give way, as public opinion remains sympathetic to the NHS staff and their cause

To win a strike, or at least a high-profile one that affects the public on the most vital level, it is first necessary to win the argument. On that basis, victory for the nurses and paramedics is all but inevitable.

Indeed, it is fair to say that ministers have barely made the case for imposing the below-inflation pay increase recommended by the NHS independent pay body. All we ever hear is that the offer is non-negotiable, which is unreasonable, and that the nurses’ claim would be inflationary, which is at least debatable.

Tacitly, the public mood seems to be that they would much rather tolerate a little more inflation and taxation, and not have to wait hours for an ambulance and then more hours to be admitted to a ward.

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