Michael Jackson albums climb the charts following Leaving Neverland broadcast

'Number Ones' has gone up over 60 places on iTunes

Jack Shepherd
Saturday 09 March 2019 09:34
Trailer for new HBO documentary about Michael Jackson abuse victims Leaving Neverland

Following the broadcast of Leaving Neverland on Channel 4, Michael Jackson’s albums have climbed the UK album charts.

The documentary features extensive interviews with two men who accuse the singer of molesting them as boys, Wade Robson and James Safechuck.

The four-hour long film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah earlier this year and left audience members shocked by the details of the allegations.

The Jackson estate has since called the documentary a “public lynching” and has begun the process of suing HBO – who co-produced the film with Channel 4 – for $100 million.

Fans of Jackson have also protested the documentary, with “Michael Jackson innocent” posters appearing around London.

Despite the controversy, Jackson's music has surged up the UK iTunes charts. As of writing, the singer's compilation album Number Ones sits at number 23 on the charts, having previously been reported by The Evening Standard to be at 87.

The Essential Michael Jackson has climbed to 76, while Thriller has climbed to 133 and Bad to 142.

Leaving Neverland was broadcast in two parts. Following the documentary's complete showing, many people vowed never to listen to Jackson's music again.

Some radio stations have taken Jackson's music out of circulation, while the creators of The Simpsons have taken their Jackson-starring episode out of circulation.

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