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15 best mattress toppers that make you feel like you’re on cloud nine

Whether you’re looking for memory foam or a thin, cooling design, these brands have the solution for a good night’s rest

Zoe Phillimore
Wednesday 04 January 2023 16:46


We updated this article on 19 January to reflect price changes

<p>We took these to bed during a heatwave, but tried them out on cooler nights too</p>

We took these to bed during a heatwave, but tried them out on cooler nights too

Mattress toppers are enclosed wads of padding, ranging from wool and microfibre to memory foam – which add an extra layer of comfort to mattresses while also protecting it, and extending its shelf life.

However, mattress toppers shouldn’t be confused with protectors, which are waterproof, have minimal padding and are designed purely to protect mattresses from stains.

But how do you pick the perfect topper for superior snoozing? First of all, think about the obvious stuff: what are you hoping to achieve? Are you keen to crank up the comfort, boost the heat retention qualities of your current mattress, or find a topper which offers better support for your back, neck or shoulders?

If it’s the latter, we’d recommend opting for memory foam. But memory foam – which is generally less breathable – isn’t necessarily the best option if keeping cool is your priority, although there are a handful of exceptions, namely toppers which have cotton covers that wick away sweat and can help to keep you cool. Woollen toppers are brilliant options for anyone keen to keep cool, because wool fibres are naturally breathable, and can absorb large amounts of moisture vapour which are then allowed to evaporate.

We also have a bit of maintenance advice to make sure you get the most out of your topper. Mattress toppers can be washed using your washing machine’s delicate cycle, but should be air-dried, ideally hung outside from a washing line. If the issue is a minor stain, consider spot-cleaning the topper instead. Mix two parts of water with one part detergent and spritz the liquid onto the area in question, or dab on white vinegar to remove stubborn stains.

How we tested

We’ll be honest: we slept. A lot. But in our defence, this wasn’t as easy as it might seem – the testing took place during one of the hottest Julys on record, so we weren’t only able to assess the comfort levels, but each topper’s breathability temperature regulation properties, too.

And the testing wasn’t just carried out during periods of Sahara-like heat – we spread the testing to ensure we tested the mattresses on cooler nights too.

The best mattress toppers for 2023 are:

  • Best overall mattress topper – M&S comfortably cool mattress topper: From £65,
  • Best mattress topper for luxury – Dormeo octasmart plus mattress topper: From £359.99
  • Best mattress topper for orthopaedic support – Panda the topper: From £89.96,
  • Best mattress topper for colder nights – JML bambillo comfort-fit mattress topper: From £229.99,
  • Best woollen mattress topper – Piglet merino wool mattress topper: From £145,
  • Best mattress topper for value – Richard Haworth hollowfibre bed topper: From £14.37,
  • Best for breathing new life into old mattresses – Simba the hybrid topper: From £249,
  • Best mattress topper for hot nights – Slumberdown airstream memory cool mattress double topper: £95,
  • Best mattress topper for the combination of value for money and comfort – The White Company classic mattress topper: From £100,
  • Best mattress topper for sustainability – Woolroom Chatsworth wool mattress topper: From £174.99,
  • Best mattress topper for purse-friendly luxury – Tielle savoy luxury mattress topper: From £182,
  • Best mattress topper for slim design – Emma flip topper: From £89.50,
  • Best mattress topper for filling which stays put – Richard Haworth clusterfill bed topper: £39.97,
  • Best mattress topper for year-round comfort – JML eazzzy mattress topper: From £129.99,
  • Best mattress topper for allergy sufferers – M&S duck feather and down mattress topper: From £79,

M&S comfortably cool mattress topper

  • Best: Overall
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king and superking
  • Depth: N/A
  • Fill material: Recycled polyester
  • Warranty: N/A

We tested this during a week when it felt like the world (or at least Surrey, where the testing took place) was on fire – an unbearably hot week during which we’d ditched our duvet, and were keen to minimise any heat retention. And we can honestly say this brilliant topper saved the day, keeping us wonderfully cool (the blurb credits this to climate control technology, but we suspect the heavy use of cotton had a role, too) and providing just the right amount of support. It was also a brilliant fit – all of the toppers we tried were double or king sized, but our testing revealed huge inconsistencies with sizing, so we were pleased to discover this wasn’t the case with M&S;’s topper.

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Dormeo octasmart plus mattress topper

  • Best: For luxury
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king and superking
  • Depth: 7cm
  • Fill material: Memory foam
  • Warranty: 8 years

Yes, this is a lot to pay for a mattress topper, but having slept on it we can only declare that it’s worth its weight in gold. The blurb states that it’s able to reduce the bed temperature by three degrees and despite our scepticism, we reckon this is a pretty accurate estimate. Our theory is that it’s down to the way the topper is divided into three different zones – after all, different parts of our bodies heat up and cool down in different ways, so it makes perfect sense that a topper engineered to reflect this will have superior cooling qualities. Its cooling ability is even more impressive given that this is one of the thickest toppers in our selection, thanks to the use of memory foam – a material we regarded (until now) as a notorious heat trapper. Dormeo, we salute you.

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Panda the topper

  • Best: For orthopaedic support
  • Sizes available: 9 sizes from single to EU emperor
  • Depth: 5cm
  • Fill material: Hydro foam
  • Warranty: 10 years

We’ve overdone it in the gym recently and have been suffering from various aches and pains which our current mattress worsened. Once this topper had been added, the discomfort disappeared. We’re assuming this is due to what Panda refers to as the hydro-foam core, but whatever term marketing decided to use, we love it. It supported our hips and lower legs in all the right places, and provided just the right amount of support for our head and neck, too. On a particularly humid night, it also did a great job of keeping us cool. There’s a staggering range of sizes – nine in total – and additional shout-outs go to the sustainable bamboo cover and the anti-slip straps in each corner, which ensure the topper stays put.

Read the full Panda mattress topper review

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JML bambillo comfort-fit mattress topper

  • Best: For colder nights
  • Sizes available: N/A
  • Depth: N/A
  • Fill material: Gel foam, viscose and memory foam
  • Warranty: N/A

This topper is one of the thickest and heaviest in our selection, but that’s not a complaint – it’s just a topper which is best suited to autumn and winter rather than summer. The upside? It’s ridiculously comfortable – we’re restless sleepers and are especially sensitive to lumps and bumps, but sleeping on this topper felt like dozing off on a cloud (not that we’ve ever done that, to be clear, but we’re fairly sure the experience would be similar). Memory gel provided firm support without trapping body heat, and our neck and shoulders felt especially well-supported.

It’s currently out of stock, but you can sign up to receive an email notification when it’s back.

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Piglet merino wool mattress topper

  • Best: Woollen topper
  • Sizes available: Double, king and superking
  • Depth: Equal to a medium wool duvet
  • Fill material: Merino sheep’s wool
  • Warranty: N/A

Full disclosure: we were sceptical when we read that this topper contained wool, simply because we don’t particularly associate wool with comfort – rather a general scratchiness which isn’t usually conducive to a great night’s sleep. However, never have we been happier to be proved wrong, because this mattress topper has a marshmallow-like softness which provided optimal cushioning and kept us wonderfully cool on a particularly muggy night. It’s slightly on the thin side, so ideal for anyone who doesn’t want to add too much height to their mattress, although this didn’t mean sacrificing comfort – we were honestly blown away by the softness and support offered by this topper, and it was another one which was refreshingly true to size, too.

The Piglet topper is currently out of stock, but will be restocked on 6 February 2023.

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Richard Haworth hollowfibre bed topper

  • Best: For value
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king, superking and emperor
  • Depth: 35cm
  • Fill material: Hollowfibre
  • Warranty: N/A

Yes, this topper really does cost just £22. It’s probably not the best option if you’re looking for a topper to breathe new life into a mattress which should have been discarded years ago, but it does exactly what it says on the tin, providing a decent level of support and cushioning with a hollowfibre filling which won’t turn us into human hot water bottles. Bonus points for the ultra-sturdy mattress straps, too.

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Simba the hybrid topper

  • Best: For breathing new life into old mattresses
  • Size available: Single, small double, UK double, UK king, super king
  • Depth: 7cm
  • Fill material: Open cell foam, aerocoil springs, support base foam
  • Warranty: 1 year

Don’t get us wrong – toppers aren’t mattresses and shouldn’t be treated as such. But we’re slightly ashamed to say our current mattress is well past its expiry date, and this testing process revealed that, while most toppers do a great job of cranking up the comfort, few were able to breathe new life into old mattresses (such as ours) as well as the Simba topper. It’s slightly thicker and sturdier than most of the other toppers – it’s not one you can simply roll up and toss into a cupboard when not in use – but the upside is a ridiculous level of both comfort and support, alongside fantastic breathability which didn’t leave us overheating on hot nights. The added comfort stems from the multi-layer construction, which includes both an open-cell layer, an Aerocoil layer (basically, another layer of support) and a foam support base. AKA a hat-trick of topper-related tremendousness, in our opinion.

Read the full Simba hybrid topper review

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Slumberdown airstream memory cool mattress double topper

  • Best: For hot nights
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king and superking
  • Depth: 4cm
  • Fill material: Memory foam
  • Warranty: N/A

We knew Slumberdown wouldn’t let us down, and they didn’t, creating a fabulously thick mattress topper which somehow stayed cool and fresh. It was true to size, and had an ultra-soft cover which stayed cool to the touch, but helped wick away sweat on a night which was so hot we felt our blood had neared boiling pot. We’d recommend this as a great year-round mattress topper – with a thickness of 4cm, it provides just enough cushioning without any drastic changes to bed height.

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The White Company classic mattress topper

  • Best: For the combination of value for money and comfort
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king and superking
  • Depth: 5cm
  • Fill material: Duck feather
  • Warranty: N/A

You can spend an awful lot on toppers, including ones filled with enough tech to make our heads spin. But do toppers really need to be so hi-tech? The jury’s out on this particular question, but the White Company’s topper, available in four sizes, is a great example of one which shows that you can still crank up the comfort while keeping things simple. Unusually, duck feathers and down – not foam – are the key ingredients here, although we still enjoyed the same level of comfort provided by some of our favourite memory foam toppers. This one also excelled at keeping us cool too, and we loved the placement of the straps – a minor detail, but all too often the straps at the corners of toppers are positioned so they ping off the corners of our mattresses like an out-of-control elastic band. Not so with these ones, which stayed firmly in place.

Read the full The White Company luxury white down topper review

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Woolroom Chatsworth wool mattress topper

  • Best: For sustainability
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king and superking
  • Depth: 4.5cm
  • Fill material: Wool
  • Warranty: N/A

Another woolly wonder, the Chatsworth wool mattress topper looks and feels incredibly luxurious, with a sumptuous, pillow-like quality which belies its mere 4.5cm thickness. The use of wool means it’s naturally hypoallergenic (proof of which is our sniffle-free slumber) and the topper’s box construction ensured each section of stuffing stayed put. We’d recommend this for sleepers who value sustainability (it contains no manmade materials whatsoever) and anyone keen to breathe new life into a mattress which might be past its best.

Read the full Woolroom deluxe wool mattress topper review

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Tielle savoy luxury mattress topper

  • Best: For purse-friendly luxury
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king and superking
  • Depth: x
  • Fill material: Feather and down
  • Warranty: N/A

A fabulous mattress topper which is worth every penny of your hard earned cash, Tielle’s luxury topper has the kind of fabulous softness which can only come from feathers – which in this case accounts for 70 per cent of the total padding (the remainder is down). Add ultra-tough anchor straps, a true-to-size fit and an ultra-soft cotton cover and you can’t go wrong.

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Emma flip topper

  • Best: For slim design
  • Sizes available: Double, king and superking
  • Depth: 5cm
  • Fill material: Airgocell foam
  • Warranty: 2 years

The ease with which we could stash this mattress into our cupboard when not in use was a major bonus given the ridiculous thickness of many toppers, but it’s one of several features we loved (although we’d have preferred to see more sizes than just three). It’s all about practicality with this one – we loved its vegan-friendly cover (scarily a lot of mattress toppers aren’t) which not only stayed cool but was easy to slip on and off. There are two foam layers – one of Airgocell foam and one of ZeroGravity foam. Yes, these terms are marketing blurb at its finest, but this was another topper which provided fantastic support at a time when we were suffering from various exercise-related aches and pains.

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Richard Haworth clusterfill bed topper

  • Best: For filling that stays put
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king, superking, zip & link and emperor
  • Depth: 35cm
  • Fill material: Clusterball filling
  • Warranty: N/A

The slightly more expensive (but still very affordable) cousin to the above hollowfibre bed topper, the clusterfill bed topper is a reassuringly thick topper which is perfect for autumn and winter. Is your pet hate stuffing which refuses to stay in one place? This could be the bed accessory of your dreams, thanks to a box construction which ensured the evenly-distributed fibre filling stays put. Interestingly, so did we (stay put, that is), sleeping straight through the entire night during a week when soaring temperatures had resulted in some very restless nights. In summary? A super soft bed topper perfect for colder nights.

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JML eazzzy mattress topper

  • Best: For year-round comfort
  • Sizes available: Single, double and king
  • Depth: 7cm
  • Fill material: Foam
  • Warranty: N/A

This mattress offers the perfect balance of breathability and support, thanks to a three-layer construction, which provided fantastic support in the areas we needed it most. This is an especially great option if your old mattress is past its best – it’s got a thickness of 7cm, which was more than enough to pad out the lumps and bumps on our old mattress. We were also seriously impressed with its breathability – on a night when the mercury hit 37 °, this topper kept us cool, calm and collected, despite the extra thickness.

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M&S duck feather and down mattress topper

  • Best: For allergy sufferers
  • Sizes available: Single, double, king and superking
  • Depth: x
  • Fill material: Duck feather and down
  • Warranty: N/A

Summers aren’t just getting hotter – they’re becoming more of a challenge for hay fever sufferers too, and after an especially horrendous week of sniffing and sneezing, the last thing we wanted was a mattress topper which would worsen our symptoms, so we were slightly wary about this duck feather and down mattress. Thankfully, we awoke sniffle-free, and knowing that the topper had been treated with an anti-mite treatment provided peace of mind – often it’s the build-up of dead mites and skin cells (apologies if you’re eating your dinner while reading this) which triggers allergy sufferers. We also loved the thick straps which secured it to the mattress. Deploying a mattress topper might not require a PHD, but all too often these straps are needle-thin, so the thicker strips of material on this one were a welcome change. Our one disclaimer – this was one of our favourite toppers, but its slightly thicker profile means we’d recommend it for autumn and winter.

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Mattress topper FAQs

How to buy a mattress topper

Choosing the right mattress topper to sleep on depends on your body and budget. There are four main types of mattress toppers: memory foam, feather and down, microfibre and hollowfibre. Each has its strengths and weaknesses and it’s all about finding the mattress topper that best meets your needs, so before purchasing make sure you know what it is you’re looking for in your topper.

What type of mattress topper is best?

Memory foam provides ample amounts of support so if you suffer from back pain, it can ease discomfort. They can absorb the motion of tossing and turning bed partners too which can typically wake up a light sleeper, but can also be expensive. They should spring back to the same height each time you use it, so you don’t need to fluff it up to keep it looking and feeling as comfortable as possible, but they do tend to be on the warmer side.

Feather and down toppers tend to be cheaper and don’t retain as much heat, so they can help cool you down on warm nights. They will also compress over time, so you will need to fluff it up to keep it soft and your bed looking plush.

Microfibre and hollowfibre are the most affordable type of mattress toppers, so if you’re shopping on a budget, these are your best bet. They add an additional layer of cosiness and can soften a firmer mattress, but they can become lumpy over time, therefore having a shorter lifespan than other types.

What's the difference between mattress pads, toppers and protectors?

Mattress pads provide a thin, extra layer to your bed, whereas mattress toppers are much thicker and plusher, designed to maximise your comfort, with some made in fabrics that are cooling, so ideal if you find yourself often too hot to sleep.

Mattress protectors are thin coverings that keep your mattress clean, protecting them from stains, dirt, moisture, irritants and allergens. Many are waterproof too and can often be easily cleaned in a washing machine.

What thickness of mattress topper should I get?

If your mattress is relatively new, you won’t need too much extra layering and a topper of about 5cm should give it some extra comfort and a luxurious feel. For an older, tired mattress that needs reviving, we’d recommend opting for a thicker topper, such as the ones from Simba or The White Company featured in this round-up.

Can you wash a mattress topper?

Before washing your mattress topper, be careful to read the label to see if it’s safe to put in the washing machine. If it’s not, you will need to hand wash it to remove any stains.

Sprinkle baking soda onto the topper and leave for 30 minutes before vacuuming it to get rid of odours, dust and grime. Then, if there are more persistent stains, take a damp cloth and stain remover to gently lift the stain.

The verdict: Mattress toppers

We loved M&S’s comfortably cool mattress topper, and although our testing took place during a particularly hot week, it wasn’t simply this topper’s breathability which bagged it the top spot – it was fabulously comfortable, with a depth that provided support in all the right places. And yes – we can confirm it definitely kept us cool, too.

The second spot (and it was an incredibly close tie) goes to the Dormeo octasmart plus mattress topper, which is worth every penny of its slightly higher price point. We’ve yet to come across a mattress topper which feels this supportive, and we loved how this aspect didn’t compromise its breathability.

Now you’ve got your mattress sorted, up the cosy factor with our edit of the best linen bedding

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