Hamilton 'not thinking' about world title now

By David Tremayne

Hamilton is surrounded as he walks back to the paddock after retiring early following a coming together with Mark Webber


Hamilton is surrounded as he walks back to the paddock after retiring early following a coming together with Mark Webber

As Fernando Alonso has emerged from the last two grands prix as the most threatening challenger, and Mark Webber has kept racking up the points, Lewis Hamilton says that two retirements in a row have stopped him thinking about the world championship title now that he is 20 points behind the Australian with whom he collided in Singapore on Sunday.

Instead, he says he will try to get the best out of the remaining races without worrying about the points. There are officially four races left, but fresh concerns have been raised about South Korea's chances of readying their circuit for the scheduled inaugural race on 24 October.

"I guess I'll just have to keep my head down and hope for the best," Hamilton said. "I'm not going to think specifically about the world championship, I'm just going to try to enjoy the rest of the season – and whatever happens, happens. But I'll keep fighting to the end, because it's the only way I know."

Alonso has won more points than anyone from the last five races, and after winning in Singapore he said: "We know there are still four races to go but it seems we can be competitive in any track, so thanks to the team. Great job at the factory. Great job at the track as well, getting 100 per cent of our potential all the time."

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