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Arnold Schwarzenegger praises climate activist Greta Thunberg: ‘I think politicians are listening’

Terminator star recently offered to lend Thunberg an electric car to help her get around the US

Roisin O'Connor
Monday 21 October 2019 08:42
Greta Thunberg says Arnold Schwarzenegger has offered me to lend his electric car

Arnold Schwarzenegger has expressed his support for environmental activist Greta Thunberg, after he offered to lend her an electric car so she could get around the US.

The actor is currently doing the press rounds for the latest Terminator film, Dark Fate, alongside co-star Linda Hamilton, who reprises her role as Sarah Connor.

Speaking to Sky News, Schwarzenegger said that politics “gets in the way of good policy”, which he cited as the reason he now tends to steer clear of political commentary,

However, he made it clear he was a fan of Thunberg, calling her “fantastic” and adding: “She’s a child and here’s children saying ‘when you screw this up with the environment, it’s our generation that’s going to suffer’, and I think that’s a very compelling message and I think politicians are listening.”

“Of course I will be as supportive of her as possible to try and get her message out,” he said.

Terminator: Dark Fate is released on 23 October.

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