
Covid news - live: New ‘highly infectious’ XBB.1.5 subvariant ‘a wake-up’ call for UK

No signs yet new strain is more ‘virulent or causes more serious illness’

Eleanor Sly,Matt Mathers
Thursday 05 January 2023 12:34
Ben Wallace says Covid screening on travelers from China is 'under review'

The “highly infectious” XBB.1.5 Covid subvariant will drive the next wave of the virus in the UK and its rapid spread in other countries should be a “wake-up call”, experts have warned.

Professor Christina Pagel, a member of Independent Sage, a group of scientists working together to give advice to the government, told The Independent that the rapidly spreading variant was both immunosuppressive and highly transmissible – a combination that means it is prime to become dominant in the next wave this winter.

However, “there are no signs it’s [XBB.1.5] more virulent or that it causes more severe illness but it’s the most immunoevasive one so far and its also very transmissible,” Prof Pagel said.


China has defended its Covid policy following criticism from Joe Biden, the US president.

China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told a regular press briefing in Beijing that China had transparently and quickly shared Covid data with the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Mr Biden and other countries - as well as the WHO - have disputed this.

Mao said that China’s "epidemic situation is controllable" and that it hoped the WHO would "uphold a scientific, objective, and impartial position".

"Facts have proved that China has always, in accordance with the principles of legality, timeliness, openness and transparency, maintained close communication and shared relevant information and data with the WHO in a timely manner," Mao said.

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 12:10

Hong Kong to allow import of hamsters after year-long Covid ban

Hong Kong’s government will lift a ban on the import of hamsters in mid-January, almost a year after more than 2,000 of the rodents were culled due to a cluster of Covid cases traced to a pet shop in the financial hub at the start of 2022.

Based on its latest risk assessment, the city’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said on Thursday the restrictions on the commercial importation of hamsters could be lifted.

The government aims to "resume commercial imports of hamsters around mid-January," it said in a statement.

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 11:45

Recap: What do we know about XBB.1.5? subvariant

The Omicron subvariant, XBB.1.5, is causing concern among scientists after its rapid spread in the United States in December.

My colleague Emily Atkinson takes a closer look at everything we know so far about the new variant:

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 11:32

Germany to require rapid Covid test for travellers from China

Germany is changing its entry rules for travellers from China and will in future require at least a rapid coronavirus test to enter the country, health minister Karl Lauterbach said on Thursday.

There will also be random checks upon entry for any coronavirus variants as well as expanded monitoring of wastewater, he said in a statement.

The steps are in line with recommendations by European Union government officials released on Wednesday evening.

“Europe has found a joint response to the pandemic situation in China. This is precisely what we as the federal government have been working towards,” said Mr Lauterbach.

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 11:16

Restrictions on travellers from China kick in

Travellers arriving in England from China will need to produce a negative Covid test from today.

The move was announced last month but kicks in on Thursday amid rising Covid cases in China.

“Tests must have been taken no more than two days before travel,” the Department of Health and Social Care said in a tweet.

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 10:45

New XBB.1.5 variant will drive next wave of virus in UK, experts warn

The “highly infectious” XBB.1.5 Covid subvariant will drive the next wave of the virus in the UK and its rapid spread in other countries should be a “wake-up call”, experts have warned.

The strain has caused a surge of cases in the US, with some experts concerned that its mutations could see it trigger a similar spike in the UK by dodging the wall of immunity built up from previous waves and vaccine rollouts.

My colleague Thomas Kingsley reports:

Covid: New XBB.1.5 variant will drive next wave of virus in UK, experts warn

The subvariant could put further pressure on the NHS already struggling amid backlogs and strikes

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 10:15

429 Covid deaths in third week of December

There were 429 deaths involving Covid in the third week (51) of December, official figures show.

In its latest update on Thursday, the Office for National Statistics said 308 of those deaths had this recorded as the “underlying cause of death”.

This was a “greater proportion” when compared with the previous week (50).

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 10:01

China to open border with Hong Kong for first time in 3 years on Sunday

China will reopen the border with its special administrative region of Hong Kong on Sunday for the first time in three years, as it accelerates the unwinding of stringent Covid rules that have battered its economic growth.

The opening will bring the resumption of quarantine-free travel between the financial hub and the mainland, although it would be done in a "gradual and orderly" way, China’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office said in a notice on Thursday.

People wearing face masks walk through a bazaar outside a commercial office building in Beijing

China is set to reopen to the world on Sunday, welcoming international travellers and returning residents without the need to quarantine for the first time since 2020, even as infections surge after it scrapped its COVID curbs.

Short of imposing a city-wide lockdown, Hong Kong closely followed China’s tough zero-COVID policy until the middle of 2022 when it began to ease some of restrictions.

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 09:45

France says Covid situation in China ‘worrying’

China’s Covid-19 outbreak is “worrying”, said French health minister Francois Braun, adding that the pressure on France’s hospitals regarding the virus was easing.

“We’re declining considerably, including with regard to people in hospital, but what’s going on in China is worrying”, Mr Braun told France 2 television.

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 09:15

Sweden to require negative tests from travellers entering country from China

People entering Sweden from China must provide a negative Covid test, it has been announced.

Sweden’s health minister made the announcement on Thursday morning amid a rise in cases in China.

More details to follow shortly.

Matt Mathers5 January 2023 08:40

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