Bad romance: Thousands stolen as love scams double

Pandemic saw £6,100 lost by a typical victim as experts ramp up warnings ahead of Valentine’s Day, writes Kate Hughes

Wednesday 09 February 2022 00:01
<p>Fraudsters are pretending to be in relationships to get their hands on cash</p>

Fraudsters are pretending to be in relationships to get their hands on cash

Romance fraud cases almost doubled during the pandemic with “relationships” prompting victims to make payments worth more than £6,000 for months on end, as psychologists warn of “hero in need of help” stories to part both men and women from their cash.

Research has revealed alarming details of such fraud cases, which rose by 91 per cent during the pandemic as financial predators tapped into cravings for human connection, with the average “relationship” lasting 62 days, with an average loss of £6,100.

The longest scam continued for almost three years, research by TSB Bank revealed. And while the typical victim is aged 47, some cases have been reported by those as old as 77 and as young as 18.

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