Cop27 has delivered a historic agreement against the odds

Editorial: Rich countries were forced to face up to the damage their actions have caused, as vulnerable countries refused to leave Sharm el-Sheikh until there was a breakthrough

Sunday 20 November 2022 21:30
<p>Developed countries should not backslide on their commitment and must meet their fair share</p>

Developed countries should not backslide on their commitment and must meet their fair share

In line with tradition, after two weeks of fraught negotiations, the Cop27 climate summit in Egypt went into 36 hours of extra time before a deal emerged on Sunday morning.

In a landmark agreement, the 197 countries present agreed to set up a fund to help developing nations cope with the loss and damage inflicted by the climate crisis. It is a very welcome move, an important building block in the world’s efforts to tackle global heating, and a crucial step towards climate justice.

The summit’s Egyptian hosts deserve credit for forcing onto the agenda an issue that was not on the radar until a few weeks before the meeting. Against the odds, rich countries that opposed the idea – including the US – were forced to face up to the damage their actions have caused, as vulnerable countries refused to leave Sharm el-Sheikh until there was a breakthrough. They duly achieved their goal after a 30-year campaign.

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