Inside Business

What happened to Amazon’s pledge to be ‘Earth’s best employer’?

Jeff Bezos wrote a letter promising to do better by Amazon’s workers. The GMB wonders what happened, says James Moore

Wednesday 25 January 2023 17:17
<p>GMB went on strike at the Amazon warehouse in Coventry on Wednesday </p>

GMB went on strike at the Amazon warehouse in Coventry on Wednesday

There’s a scene in Andor, Disney’s dark Star Wars-for-grown-ups series, where the protagonist is imprisoned as a factory worker.

“All they need to do is turn this floor on twice a day and keep their numbers rolling,” he says. “Why bother listening to us? We are nothing to them. We’re cheaper than droids, easier to replace.”

I was put in mind of this scene by an interview with a pair of striking Amazon workers complaining of “severe conditions” in Coventry in which even trips to the toilet led to questions from managers. “Robots are treated better than us,” one said.

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