Tory MPs are haunted by the ghost of John Major

Despite today’s efforts to raise morale, some Tories privately prepare for opposition, writes Andrew Grice

Saturday 04 February 2023 13:47
<p>In his latest interview, Rishi Sunak’s low-key, likeable, common-sense approach reminded me of John Major</p>

In his latest interview, Rishi Sunak’s low-key, likeable, common-sense approach reminded me of John Major

What’s uppermost in the minds of Conservative MPs? The cost of living crisis, the endless waves of strikes or the parlous state of our NHS? No, they are obsessing about whether next year’s general election will be like 1992, when John Major defied the opinion polls to win a surprise victory, or 1997, when the Tories suffered a crushing defeat.

Although Rishi Sunak rehearsed a tougher line on the small boats crisis (coming soon), “reasonable Rishi” was on display in his interview with Piers Morgan on Talk TV last night.

His low-key, likeable, common-sense approach reminded me of Major. Veteran Tory MPs tell me Sunak can, like Major after he succeeded Margaret Thatcher, gradually win voters’ respect in hard economic times and secure a mandate in his own right. The Tories won an unprecedented fourth term in 1992, so why can’t Sunak break that record with a fifth victory running in 2024?

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