Terrifying video shows maggot-eating spider jump out of its lair

Spider eating maggot: Video shows arachnid jumping out of lair

People are sharing the video to prank their friends

Charlie Atkin@charlieatkin18
Monday 01 February 2016 16:48

Video has emerged that shows the terrifying moment a spider jumps out its lair to defend its meal.

Amateur footage shows the seemingly unsuspecting cameraman attempting to remove a maggot, only for an enormous spider to follow the larva into the open.

The video has already racked up over 11 million views on Facebook and nearly 55,000 shares.

Viewers have been tagging their unsuspecting friends in the comments, with little warning of the video’s contents due to the enticing title ‘Wait for it…’

Some have reacted by lamenting by the fact they’ll be unable to sleep, with one viewer saying how she’ll have to spend the night in the bath.

Others have simply expressed expletive-laden outrage at the instigation of arachnophobia by their friends.


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