I live in fear for my daughter’s health because of this government

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Tuesday 03 January 2023 22:10
<p>They can’t comprehend that a service can exist for the good of the people, rather than to make a profit</p>

They can’t comprehend that a service can exist for the good of the people, rather than to make a profit

What our government has chosen to do to our NHS is not just unforgivable, but criminal. I recently had to take my daughter, who is disabled with chronic respiratory issues, to A&E. I have never seen a paediatric waiting room so full, with children lying on the floor, paramedics bringing patients in and finding nowhere to put them. As a parent, it is terrifying.

We now live in a state of fear. My child goes from coping well with a chest infection to severely ill, rapidly. She regularly needs to be admitted to hospital, and we know that the key to keeping her alive is being able to access treatment swiftly. Now, in 2023, we know that this is not possible.

Make no mistake. The defunding of the NHS is a political choice by a government that serves the rich, not the majority of UK citizens. They can’t comprehend that a service can exist for the good of the people, rather than to make a profit. That mindset in itself is a sickness.

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