Travel questions

Can you recommend the cheapest airline for flying in and out of Tokyo?

Simon Calder answers your questions on flights to Japan, booking hotels in New York, and package holidays to Tenerife

Friday 27 January 2023 18:07
<p>Be aware of any Covid restrictions as Japan has mandatory tests for passengers arriving from China </p>

Be aware of any Covid restrictions as Japan has mandatory tests for passengers arriving from China

Q Can you recommend the cheapest airline for a two-week trip to Japan, flying in and out of Tokyo? Two of us are planning to go in early September. We are currently looking at flying out from London on 1 September but not tied to that date if we can get a better deal. What do you suggest?

Olivia C

A Until a year ago, my recommendation would be easy: Aeroflot via Moscow. The Russian airline offered excellent service and a fast connection to Tokyo. But Vladimir Putin’s assault on Ukraine led to an immediate ban on Aeroflot in the UK and elsewhere in western Europe, and this is no longer viable.

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