Happy Valley

I realise how crazy my life is – I’m all but living in a car

An incident with a local estate agent reminds Charlotte Cripps of long-gone days of hanging out in her car on the King’s Road

Wednesday 15 July 2020 11:56

A mum friend asked if I could meet an estate agent at her London flat – as she is still isolating at her parent’s house in Cornwall. I thought nothing of it as her flat is in the next road to mine and she is miles away. “Of course,” I said. “No problem.”

Masked up and wearing latex gloves, I took Liberty along with me. We dropped Lola off first at her nursery school on the way. She’s dripping in antibacterial gel for her return since lockdown has eased but only for a few hours a day and on the condition that she doesn’t go anywhere near her friends – even if they are in her “bubble” – and only plays outside.

Call me paranoid – I know infection rates are dropping – but I have an 87-year-old dad to protect.

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