Happy Valley

Is getting a sponsor in Debtors Anonymous the next step for my night-time shopping sprees?

With a small hallway full of unopened parcels, including cordless hoovers, gold shoes and tons of toys, is Charlotte Cripps overcompensating because she cancelled the Christmas holiday?

Thursday 10 December 2020 00:04

Lola has now accepted that she’s been downgraded from angel to humble sheep. I bought her a fabulous white cape with woolly ears and told her it was one of life’s lessons. “If life throws lemons, you make lemonade, and if you’re a sheep, not an angel, you’ve got to be the best nativity sheep there ever was.”  

I’ve also cancelled my trip to Dubai for Christmas; it’s too risky to take my dad, 88. He’s a liability: he huffs and puffs if I hand him hand gel and ends up with his mask covering his eyes.  It’s hard enough travelling with him and the kids without a pandemic; this might finish me off.  

I knew it was time to pull the plug when my dad said to me: “What if they test us again at Dubai airport and we are positive, then we have to spend the whole holiday isolating in our rooms? What a waste of money.” Seriously, that would be a good outcome. I’m more worried about him being stuck on a ventilator in a hospital.

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