George Santos admits he’s been a ‘terrible liar’ in Piers Morgan interview – but blames ‘pressure’ of being accepted by Republicans

The serial fabricator admitted to lying in new interview, but tried to shift blame for his actions by claiming he was trying to get “accepted by the party”

Bevan Hurley
Monday 20 February 2023 22:31
George Santos: The imposter in Congress | On The Ground

Fabulist Republican Congressman George Santos was cajoled into admitting he had been a “terrible liar” in a new interview with Piers Morgan.

But the New York lawmaker, who is under multiple investigations for alleged campaign finance violations, blamed his litany of mistruths on the pressure of trying to gain acceptance with the local Republican Party.

In an interview on Monday for Talk TV, Mr Morgan listed some of Mr Santos’ falsehoods and told him that “part of your cathartic process of redemption has got to start from ‘I’ve been a terrible liar’.”

“Would you be prepared to say that?” Mr Morgan asked.

“Sure,” Mr Santos replied. “I’ve been a terrible liar on those subjects... I made mistakes of allowing the pressures of what I thought needed to be done.”

He then claimed to an incredulous Mr Morgan that the deception “wasn’t about tricking the people”.

“This was about getting accepted by the party here locally,” Mr Santos said.

Mr Santos went on complain that his notoriety had made it “uncomfortable” going out in public.

And he denied that he was enjoying the infamy, saying:  “I can’t stand it. And a lot of people think I love it. I just can’t stand it.”

George Santos blamed Republican ‘pressure’ for lying about his employment, family and education history

The troubled New York representative’s campaign finance records are the subject of several criminal probes, including by the top prosecutor in his district of Nassau County.

He is also facing an FBI investigation into the pet charity and potentially other issues, according to news reports.

Mr Santos has remained defiant in the face of calls from his constituents, Democrats and Republicans for him to resign.

He has said he will see out his two year term in Congress and would likely stand for reelection in 2024.

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