
How cobalt mining for Big Tech is driving child labor, deaths in the Congo

Child labor, sexual assault, birth defects, abject poverty, workers buried alive: A new exposé on artisanal cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo lifts the curtain on a nightmarish world in which billions of people are unwittingly complicit. Senior climate correspondent Louise Boyle reports


A student’s father moved into a Sarah Lawrence dorm and started a cult. Now, survivors tell their stories

‘Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence’ looks at the case of Lawrence Ray, and the coercive control he deployed on his daughter’s friends. Clémence Michallon reports

Spy balloon saga

Spy balloons, missiles and ‘UFOs’: What know about objects shot down by the US

Not since a balloon crashed in Roswell, New Mexico have inflatable unmanned craft so dominated the American discourse. Alex Woodward and Andrew Feinberg sum up what we learned this week





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