Shirtless builders filmed attacking London traffic warden

Video: Footage shows the brutal assault in Hampstead, London

Kiran Moodley@kirancmoodley
Thursday 09 April 2015 12:17

Shocking video footage shows the moment two shirtless builders attacked a traffic warden, hitting him in the head with his own radio.

The incident took place in September 2014 on Agincourt Road in London, in between Hampstead Heath and Gospel Oak train stations. Video shows two shirtless builders hitting the traffic warden and forcing him to the floor, just moments after he had issued a ticket to a van.

The video was filmed by a passer-by, who then walks up to the traffic warden as he gets to his feet to pick up his hat and his radio, which was used by the attackers to strike him over the head. The passer-by tells the warden, "Don't worry."

However, the Ham & High reported that the warden, 45 and a father of three, still suffers from blurred vision after the blow to his head and had to be treated at the Royal Free Hospital after the attack. Camden Council said that in 2014 there were five cases of serious physical assault on their traffic wardens.

The warden, who told the paper he wanted to remain nameless, said, "I had issued a ticket to the van when one of the men started arguing and hit me on my chest. Then the other two arrived and joined in. They were kicking and punching me and one of them hit me on the head with my radio."

Builders Shaun Ritchie, Kevin Lee Ritchie, and Loon Cuong Chu were found guilty of assault by Highbury Magistrates.

Kevin Lee Ritchie, the driver of the van, was given a three-month jail sentence, suspended for six months and must now carry out 200 hours community service. The other two were ordered to carry out 180 hours of community labour. All three must pay a total of £1,320 in compensation.

Paolo Orezzi, a manager for the company that employs nearly 200 wardens for Camden, said: "I hope this sends a strong message to motorists that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated.

Our employees are just trying to do their job. I’m glad justice has been served."


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