Marks & Spencer ‘Love Sausage’ launch for Valentine’s Day sparks hilarious reactions

This isn't just any innuendo. This is an M&S innuendo

Sabrina Barr
Wednesday 13 February 2019 09:15
Marks and Spencer launch 'Love Sausage' for Valentine's Day

Marks & Spencer has announced the launch of a new food product for Valentine’s Day: the ‘Love Sausage’, a heart-shaped pork sausage wrapped in streaky bacon.

Because, of course, nothing says undying romance better than a 460g sausage.

As can be expected, the Internet has reacted to the supermarket’s reveal with a great deal of incredulity, with many pointing out the evident sexual connotations of the meaty product.

“Someone in marketing must be very pleased with themselves for managing to sneak this past their boss,” one person tweeted.

“I genuinely thought I was getting promoted tweets from @AnnSummers when I saw this,” another commented.

The ‘Love Sausage’, which costs £5 and will be available to purchase in stores from 8 February, has been described by the retailer as being the “ultimate meaty delight for Valentine’s breakfast in bed”.

The product doesn’t come with eggs, as the promotional picture suggests.

However, it does come with a hint of truffle, which has been included specifically due to the ingredient’s supposed aphrodisiac qualities.

‘Love Sausage’ (Marks & Spencer)

“We’re encouraging customers to start the fun of Valentine’s Day celebrations early with a ‘Love Sausage’ for breakfast,” says Sarah Loxton, product developer at Marks & Spencer.

“The recipe includes a hint of delicious truffle to make it extra special and my top tip is to crack two eggs into the centre of the heart, eight minutes before serving for the breakfast of dreams.”

While some have shown interest in purchasing the ‘Love Sausage’ for their significant other on Valentine’s Day, others have expressed their emphatic opposition to the product.

“Gotta say I really don’t want that thing anywhere near me,” one person wrote. “It looks like the obvious and then somebody went at it with a cleaver. #dontsayitwithsausages.”

“Love is dead. Long live Satan,” another person added.

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Despite the mixed reviews to the product, Marks & Spencer expects to sell the ‘Love Sausage’ to more than 15,000 customers come 14 February.

For all the best buys for Valentine’s Day, from flowers to lingerie sets, click here.

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