Fire service respond to blaze at Blackpool Tower

Blackpool Tower fire: People trapped at top of high-rise seaside landmark as firefighters race to tackle blaze

Building beneath tower evacuated after fire broke out in roof

Samuel Osborne@SamuelOsborne93
Wednesday 07 March 2018 15:38

Around a dozen people are trapped at the top of Blackpool Tower after a fire broke out in the building beneath.

Four fire engines and an aerial ladder platform were sent to the scene following a call around 12.39pm, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service said.

Six firefighter crews wearing breathing apparatus were using two hoses to extinguish the blaze.

A spokesman told said about a dozen people were being held in a "safe area" at the top of the tower after the lower building was evacuated.

The fire has now been put out but it had prevented them from taking the lift down from the top.

The spokesman said the blaze started somewhere in the roof of the building at the foot of the tower.

No injuries have been reported.

"The fire in the Blackpool Tower complex is now out and the people held at the top of tower are being brought down," Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service's said.

"Firefighters will remain at the scene for the next few hours to damp down and begin the fire investigation."

In 1897, the top of the tower caught fire and was said to be visible from up to 50 miles away.

The tower's ballroom was also damaged by fire in 1956, along with the restaurant underneath.


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