Scotland’s nationalist leader has gravely misjudged her battle

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Tuesday 17 January 2023 18:45
<p>It was almost inevitable that Sturgeon’s decision would come to this</p>

It was almost inevitable that Sturgeon’s decision would come to this

Nicola Sturgeon claims to be outraged about Westminster’s intervention in the Gender Recognition Act – but I’m unconvinced by her rhetoric. Surely, all along, she’s been guilty of cynically using Scotland’s trans community as pawns to manufacture yet another constitutional tussle with Westminster?

It was almost inevitable it would come to this – another Holyrood and Westminster constitutional bicker. By knowingly championing legislation at odds with established GB law, Sturgeon has now got precisely what she wants. She’ll relish, I anticipate, wildly catastrophising that this isn’t about a single piece of legislation but an assault on Scottish democracy. Yet I also believe, in this instance, that the nationalist leader has misjudged her battle.

Opinion polls show that the majority in Scotland and indeed a large proportion of nationalists are opposed to the Gender Recognition Reform Bill. On this occasion, Sturgeon may well find that, in Scotland, few buy into her predictable “them and us” divisive narrative, with the majority welcoming Westminster’s intervention.

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