International Women's Day: Olivia Colman among celebrities highlighting domestic abuse helpline on social media

Refuge hopes its #SafetyInANumber campaign will ensure every woman knows they can call National Domestic Abuse helpline

Sarah Young
Sunday 08 March 2020 09:21

A number of famous women are replacing their names and Twitter photos with the number for a domestic abuse helpline to mark International Women’s Day.

On Sunday, Refuge – a charity that provides specialist support for women, men and children experiencing domestic violence – launched a new campaign to help promote its helpline, which gives those affected by domestic abuse the chance to speak to an adviser for confidential and non-judgmental support.

To help shine a spotlight on the issue, notable women including Olivia Colman and Lorraine Kelly will be donating their fame to the #SafetyInANumber campaign with the hopes of making the National Domestic Abuse Helpline famous.

From 10am, the celebrities will replace their famous names and Twitter photos with 0808 2000 247.

By leveraging the power of social media, and harnessing the collective force that women have when they come together behind one message, Refuge hopes that Twitter will be awash with the Helpline number so that every woman sees it.

The Helpline number will also take over the largest advertising display in Europe - London's prestigious Piccadilly Lights - at midday, making the number unmissable.

Adverts fronted by Colman will also run throughout the day on Sky and A+E Networks UK.

Sandra Horley, CBE, chief executive of Refuge says: “Refuge’s Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline is at the heart of how this country responds to domestic abuse – it is a lifeline to hundreds of thousands of women across the country.

“A shocking two women are killed every week in England and Wales alone, leaving children without mother, parents without daughters, families without loved ones.

“0808 2000 247 is a number that every woman should know. Today, International Women’s Day, Refuge and an amazing band of high-profile women will work to make this a reality. Women’s lives depend on it.”

According to Refuge, domestic abuse is the biggest issue impacting on women and children across the country today with around one in three women experiencing abuse during their lifetimes.

The Helpline number will also take over the largest advertising display in Europe - London's prestigious Piccadilly Lights (Refuge)

However, the charity adds that few reach out for help and support, leaving them isolated and alone.

Sharing her experience, survivor Natasha Saunders revealed how important the helpline had been to her.

“I called the National Domestic Abuse Helpline after experiencing years of physical, sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of my ex-husband. I was living in a prison and I needed to protect myself and my children,” Saunders said.

“As I dialled the Helpline number, I didn’t know what to expect. I was pacing the kitchen, terrified my ex-husband might find out, but the Helpline worker was so understanding. She validated my concerns and she reminded me that I wasn’t alone – I could leave my abuser and with Refuge’s support, I could carve a new life for my family.

“In England and Wales alone, two women a week are killed by their partner or ex-partner. I could’ve quite easily been one of those statistics. If you’re suffering abuse, then so could you. Support from the Helpline is waiting; all you need to do is call.”

You can speak to a member of the National Domestic Abuse Helpline team at any time, day or night on 0808 2000 247.

Alternatively, if you don’t need to speak to someone immediately, you can find lots of useful support information on the Refuge website.

There is also an option to listen to safety information by selecting Option 3 on Refuge’s telephone system.

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