European Super League talks are still ongoing, says International Champions Cup chief Charlie Stillitano

Stillitano, head of the International Champions Cup, held talks with major clubs earlier this year

Declan Warrington
Wednesday 25 May 2016 09:25
Stillitano has held discussions with Arsenal, Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea and Liverpool
Stillitano has held discussions with Arsenal, Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea and Liverpool

Discussions surrounding a potential European Super League are ongoing, claims the sports executive involved when talks took place earlier this year.

Charlie Stillitano of the International Champions Cup (ICC) held discussions with Arsenal, Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea and Liverpool and encouraged a potential competition in which Europe's traditional big clubs would be guaranteed to feature.

The ICC oversees lucrative friendly fixtures involving many of those teams, but Stillitano recognises they - unlike Uefa - are in no position to create a Super League, even if he says it is "fact" others are debating one.

"We cannot in any way, shape or form make a Super League," said Stillitano. "We are not the architects of this discussion. We know for a fact that everyone's talking about it - there's the ECA (European Club Association), there's Uefa - and looking for a way to improve things.

"If they look at our (ICC) tournament and see it as a model of a way for them to go forward, it's not us suggesting that. To me it's in the hands of the clubs and Uefa. They have to figure it out.

"We meet the teams all the time. There was nothing nefarious about it, nothing secretive. The meeting was on the notice board at The Dorchester (Hotel).

"The majority of the discussion was how we are going to build the ICC after this year. Everyone's talking about tournaments: Asia Cup, whatever.

"But we talked about everything. One of the things was what Arsenal came out with a comment about afterwards (surrounding a Super League). Okay. You're sitting talking with friends and we chatted."

The ICC is to stage a pre-season friendly between Liverpool and Barcelona at Wembley on August 6, the day before the Community Shield between Manchester United and Leicester.

Stillitano was criticised for saying, before they became the Premier League champions, the Champions League does not need Leicester, but he insisted the ICC welcomes their involvement, which includes a friendly between them and Barca in Stockholm on August 3.

"(The ICC is) not just (for) historical giants like Liverpool but teams that are doing well like a Leicester," he said. "We're trying to keep it inclusive and for new fans as well as old fans.

"We know Claudio Ranieri. I was talking about just European competition so I was making a silly analogy. Everyone loves the underdog."



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