Did Ed Miliband vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the leadership election?

Plus a round-up of other Labour Party commentary from the catch-up service

John Rentoul
Wednesday 25 May 2016 09:01

Jeremy Corbyn is trying to persuade Ed Miliband to return to the shadow cabinet, Matt Chorley reported in The Times on Monday.

It was an interesting story, not least because when he was leader Miliband’s relations with his own predecessor were rather different. I was told that Miliband resisted Gordon Brown’s repeated offer to serve in his shadow cabinet in the international development brief.

What struck me was a comment from an anonymous Labour MP: “Ed agrees with more of Jeremy’s programme for change than he agreed with the stuff he was doing when he was leader himself.”

This chimes with what I was told was Miliband’s view last year, namely that Corbyn’s election as leader vindicated his view that politics was changing. He felt that he had been trying to give voice to the new politics but had been held back by his cautious senior colleagues.

It also adds to the speculation that Miliband may have actually voted for Corbyn in the Labour leadership election. One former member of Miliband’s shadow cabinet told me: “I wouldn’t be surprised.”

♦ Meanwhile, in other Labour Party commentary from the Catch-Up Service:

Ayesha Hazarika is very good on how the Labour “moderates” need to come to terms with the scale of their defeat by Corbyn.

John McTernan is also good on why that may be so difficult.

Jake Wilde suggests that Corbyn supporters and the rest are really two separate parties, which is either helping or not helping depending on your point of view.

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