
Guy Adams

The Independent's Los Angeles correspondent, Guy Adams lives in sunny Santa Monica, and divides his time between the local beach (home of Baywatch) and the Hollywood Hills. He headed out west in May 2008, and has being trying to make sense of the First City of Showbusiness ever since. In a bid to "bond" with his near-neighbours in Silicon Valley, Guy is currently dabbling with Twitter. You can track his every move at twitter.com/guyadams.

In his previous life, Guy was The Independent's features editor, having joined the paper in 2003 as editor of the Pandora column - a role that saw him physically threatened by Ray Winstone, taken to the Press Complaints Commission (unsuccessfully) by the Rt Hon Jack Straw, and subjected to a series of nuisance phone calls by David Schwimmer.

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There was high excitement in the press bleachers at Placerville Court in California yesterday, when Phillip Garrido was informed that Jaycee Lee Dugard will give evidence when he’s tried for abducting, raping and holding her hostage for 18 years.

Quite aside from the potential courtroom drama it heralded, Dugard’s decision to appear on the witness stand meant the world will finally get to see the face of the woman it knows only from the “missing” posters circulated after her abduction in 1991.

Sadly, for the assembled press pack, at least, that particular “exculsive” now seems to have been scotched. America’s National Enquirer magazine today published what it claims is a recent picture of Jaycee Lee. You can see it above.

It is purportedly taken from the business card of Printing For Less, the firm Garrido ran from his home in Antioch. The magazine was given it by local barber Wayne Thompson, who met Dugard when he brought his own business cards from the firm.

The million dollar question, or course, concerns whether the picture is real. The Enquirer has in the past had an iffy reputation for accuracy, though I have come to admire its string of recent scoops about – among other things – the love life of one-time Presidential candidate John Edwards.

Dominick Dunne, the recently-deceased Vanity Fair scribe whose opinions I value, once dubbed the Enquirer: “remarkably accurate in its sensational revelations.” Either way, the blue-eyed, blonde girl in its picture looks spookily similar to the child who went missing all those years ago.

UPDATE: (Wednesday September 16th): a contact at CNN emails
saying they were offered a copy of the same business card last week.
Their reporter took still photos of it. However the network took the
responsible decided not to purchase the item, on grounds that: 
"according to two  sources who have met Jaycee, it's not her. The family
spokesperson  also says it isn't her." So, has the Enquirer been burned?


[info]july7nyc wrote:
Saturday, 26 September 2009 at 06:23 am (UTC)
It looks nothing like her and you honestly think the National Enquirer has ANY credibility? Please. I've had a copy of the above photo for a month. It doesn't take an expert to see the glaring bone and facial structure differences. Absolutely nothing alike.

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