William -Roddie- Bryan Jr admits on camera to having been an active participant in the events leading to Ahmaud Arbery's death.mp4

Ahmaud Arbery: New police video shows men charged with murder moments following the shooting

One blames Mr Arbery for the shooting: “If he had stopped this wouldn't have happened”

Graig Graziosi
Tuesday 15 December 2020 20:40

New police body camera footage released in the Ahmaud Arbery murder case includes one of the alleged killers blaming Mr Arbery for the shooting and another potentially admitting to hitting him with a truck.  

In February, a father and son chased down Mr Arbery,  a Black man who had been out jogging, under the pretense that he had been breaking into a house that had been under construction. After they stopped him, a struggle ensued and the son, Travis McMichael, shot and killed Mr Arbery with a shotgun. 

CBS 47/ FOX 30 in Jacksonville, Florida obtained body camera footage from Glynn County police in Georgia featuring the reactions of Travis McMichael - the man who shot Mr Arbery - his father, Greg, and neighbor William Bryan, who filmed the encounter, in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.  

The footage shows officers approaching the McMichaels, while Mr Arbery's bloodied body lies in the street. An officer on the scene tells a colleague that Mr Arbery is "about to be 10-7, man" - police code for "out of service."  

Travis McMichael can be seen pacing in the background of the shot, clearly affected by killing Mr Arbery.  

His father can be heard on the video assuring officers "[Travis] had no choice, man."

In a later clip, the elder McMichaels tells an officer that he was yelling to his son not to shoot anyone, but then said Mr Arbery grabbed for the shotgun, which prompted his son to shoot him.  

He told officers they had allegedly seen Mr Arbery breaking into houses that were under construction "numerous times." Both men justified chasing Mr Arbery down by claiming he had been breaking into houses.  

Elsewhere in the video, Travis McMichael says shooting Mr Arbery was the "last thing I ever wanted to do in my life."  

He then blames Mr Arbery for the shooting.  

"If he had stopped this wouldn't have happened," he said.  

Another video shows the interrogation of Mr Bryan, who filmed the shooting and was eventually charged with felony. In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, Mr Bryan said he prayed for Mr Arbery's family "every night," but prosecutors believe Mr Bryan was an active participant in the events leading up to the shooting.  

In the video, an office asks Mr Bryan if he was just a passerby, to which Mr Bryan replies "Nah, not necessarily" before explaining his role.  

Mr Bryan said he saw Mr Arbery being chased by the McMichaels, and said he called out the men "y'all got him?" He told officers he offered to help because of the alleged break-ins in the area.  

Mr Bryan then described getting into his truck and using it to try to stop Mr Arbery.  

"I pulled out of my driveway, was gonna try to block him, but he was going all around it and I made a few moves at him, you know?" he said. "And he didn't stop."  

In May, Mr Bryan claimed he had no involvement in what had occurred, but in the footage he all but admits to trying to at least block - if not hit - Mr Arbery with his truck.  

Mr Arbery's family and legal team pushed for Mr Bryan to be arrested alongside the McMichaels from the beginning. He was eventually arrested and charged in May, three months after the shooting.  

All three men have pleaded not guilty to the murder. 


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