Bunny and the Bull (15)

Robert Hanks
Friday 27 November 2009 16:20

Contrary to what you might think, a lot of films get made in this country – three of them released just this week; but most of them are terrible.

This one, from the director of cult television comedy The Mighty Boosh, and featuring cameos from its stars, at least features some ingenious art direction: as agoraphobic Stephen (Edward Hogg) festers in his flat, the detritus accumulated on his shelves metamorphoses into the scenery for his flashbacks to a European tour made a year before with his reckless friend Bunny (Simon Farnaby). As Stephen worries obsessively, Bunny gambles, guzzles and shags his way from Warsaw to Andalusia.

At times, the sets have a cardboard cut-out charm that recalls the old animated Paddington Bear series; but that isn't enough to sustain interest once it dawns that for a supposed comedy this is remarkably humour free. It's also emotionally uninvolving, and directed towards a thoroughly dreary conclusion – viz, that life is for living, so get out there and enjoy it. And while you're at it, stay out of cinemas showing this film.

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