Dionne Warwick condemns Wendy Williams over ‘malicious’ comments

Williams joked about Warwick’s newfound popularity on Twitter

Adam White
Thursday 10 December 2020 15:28
Wendy Williams discusses Dionne Warwick on her show.mp4

Dionne Warwick has condemned Wendy Williams over “malicious” and “mean” comments the TV personality made about her on her talk show.

On Wednesday’s edition of The Wendy Williams Show (9 December), Williams discussed Warwick’s newfound popularity on Twitter, as well as speculation that Warwick isn’t writing her own tweets.

Warwick has gone viral a number of times in recent weeks for her Twitter posts. She has attempted to interact with both Taylor Swift and Snoop Dogg, and mocked the spelling of The Weeknd’s name. 

After Twitter users began to speculate that an imposter was operating Warwick’s account, the famed singer posted a video in which she confirmed she was behind the tweets.

On her show, Williams disputed Warwick’s claims, adding that she believed Warwick’s young niece Brittani is probably writing the messages. Williams also suggested that Warwick should have used a different camera angle on her Twitter video due to her “big nostrils”.

Warwick hit back within minutes of the episode’s broadcast.

“A friend alerted me that Wendy Williams was spending a lot of not nice time speaking on me,” Warwick tweeted. “I tuned in to her show to catch the last few minutes of her speaking about me and as in the past she seems not to be able to speak without maliciously made comments.”

Warwick added that she hoped Williams would “refrain” from speaking her name or thinking of her in the future. She also claimed that she had already made the request “a few years ago” when the pair ran into each other.

Dionne Warwick and Wendy Williams

“I don’t believe one has to be mean to get noticed,” Warwick wrote. “There’s an old saying you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar! Try it Wendy you might like it.”

Williams has yet to respond to Warwick’s tweets.

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