Cyberpunk 2077 will let players customise ‘breasts, buttocks and genitalia’

Keanu Reeves-starring video game will also feature a scene in which players ‘hammer nails through someone’s hands and feet’

Louis Chilton
Thursday 10 December 2020 21:52
Cyberpunk 2077 trailer

Cyberpunk 2077, the hugely anticipated sci-fi game starring Keanu Reeves set to be released later this year, has been given a “Mature” rating by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board.

The ratings authority provided reasons for the rating (which is roughly equivalent to an “18” film certificate in the UK), which included: “Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content and Use of Drugs and Alcohol.”

Alongside the rating, the ESRB also provided a written explanation for the decision, detailing some of the game’s specifically adult content.

The website says: “Players can select a gender and customise their character; customization can include depictions of breasts, buttocks, and genitalia, as well as various sizes and combinations of genitals.

“Players can encounter events where they have the option to engage in sexual activities with other main characters or prostitutes. These brief sex scenes (from a first person perspective) depict partially nude characters moaning suggestively while moving through various positions.”

The report also specifies the depiction of drug use, including amphetamine and a “state-altering inhaler”, as well as a quest in which ”players assist a character by hammering nails through his hands and feet; screaming sounds and blood effects accompany the scene.”

Given that the game was inspired by gritty works in the cyperpunk genre like Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell, it’s probably unsurprising that Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t afraid to embrace its sleazier side.

The game, which is being developed by CD Projekt, the studio behind the Witcher series, is scheduled to come out 17 September 2020.

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