Top 10 cuisines British people choose when eating out

Pub food, Italian and Chinese are most popular options, with Caribbean voted top food people would like to try 

Grant Bailey
Friday 28 September 2018 14:15
Six in 10 of the survey's respondents say they eat at the same places every time they go out
Six in 10 of the survey's respondents say they eat at the same places every time they go out

The average British person spends more than five hours deciding where to eat each year, according to a new study.

The research, conducted by Meerkat Meals, also revealed that millions of diners avoid trying new foods because they can’t decide what to go for.

The results showed that the average British person dines out at least once a month, with six in 10 choosing to eat at the same places every time.

Julie Daniels, associate director of customer rewards and partnerships at Compare the Market, said: “Everyone loves dining out, and with such a wide selection of restaurants and cuisines so easily accessible, we’re a nation spoilt for choice.

“However, the seemingly-simple question of 'What do you want to eat?’ can often become an excruciating conversation, and this in turn is meaning many are finding the whole experience difficult.''

The study also found a common barrier to trying new restaurants is the size of the dining group, with nearly half of those polled saying it's harder to pick a place to eat when eating out with four or more people.

It also emerged that choosing where to eat in a group takes on average 25 minutes, which totals five hours over a year.

Half of those surveyed said choosing a restaurant that everyone likes "takes the fun out of the experience".

The research also found British people prefer to eat out when they do not have to choose where to go.

More than one third agreed it is easier when somebody else chooses the restaurant.

The research found that Caribbean was the cuisine most British people would most like to try, with a fifth of diners saying it was on top of their “to try” list.

Top 10 cuisines British people choose when dining out:

1. Pub food

2. Italian

3. Chinese

4. Indian

5. American

6. Mexican

7. Thai

8. Spanish

9. Mediterranean

10. French

Top 10 cuisines British people would like to try more of when dining out:

1. Caribbean

2. Thai

3. Greek

4. Japanese

5. Chinese

6. Mediterranean

7. Moroccan

8. Spanish

9. Mexican

10. Vietnamese


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