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Arkansas judge apologises for 'racist, sexist and homophobic' online comments

Circuit Judge Mike Maggio posted the comments anonymously on a Louisiana State University fan message board

Antonia Molloy
Saturday 08 March 2014 18:13 GMT
Mike Maggio said his comments were "not acceptable"
Mike Maggio said his comments were "not acceptable" (AP)

An Arkansas judge has issued an apology after he posted a series of anonymous online comments, including one in which he said “sluts are just whores in training”.

Circuit Judge Mike Maggio acknowledged Wednesday that he posted the comments on a Louisiana State University (LSU) fan message board, Tiger Droppings, under the pseudonym "geauxjudge".

"I take full responsibility for the comments that have been attributed to me," Maggio said in a statement.

"I apologize deeply for my lapse in personal judgment and for that, I have no excuse. The comments posted were not acceptable. These comments are not a reflection of who I am."

Critics said the remarks were racist, sexist and homophobic.

They also included alleged details of confidential proceedings involving actress Charlize Theron's adoption of her son.

The state's Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission is investigating Maggio's postings, said its executive director, David Sachar.

Political blogger Matt Campbell first disclosed the comments on his Blue Hog Report website on Monday. He posted screenshots of “geauxjudge" postings from the past few years and suggested they could be attributed to Maggio.

In one post Maggio blamed women for marital infidelity: “Men have two needs. Feed me and f**k me Take care of both and we will be good. Whichever one you don’t then the men will find.”

He also suggested that women should not divorce cheating husbands: "I see it everyday. A woman makes (an) emotional decision to divorce because the husband stepped out. When otherwise he was a good provider, father, and husband.

"Then a year or two later realizes uh oh I am worse off financially, emotionally and relationship wise but hey they showed that SOB. Too many times the women get their advice from other divorced women."

Circuit judges like Maggio often handle dviorce cases,among other civil and criminal casework.

And in another post he said that gay sex is just a “small step” away from sex with a dog and that people should avoid “gay/lesbian week” at Disney World in Florida.

He also suggested black people should use “white ink” if they have tattoos.

 Following the apology, Maggio ended his campaign for a seat on the Arkansas Court of Appeals.

Additional reporting by Associated Press

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