politics explained

Texas is the latest battleground in the ever-expanding fight over voter rights

This is an issue that is not going away, so expect further legislative clashes on both the federal and state levels, writes Chris Stevenson

Monday 31 May 2021 21:30
<p>Joe Biden has hit out after Texas became the latest state – after Florida and Georgia – to try and push through restrictions</p>

Joe Biden has hit out after Texas became the latest state – after Florida and Georgia – to try and push through restrictions

The latest frontier in the fight over voting rights in the US is Texas – where Democrats walked off the floor of the state's House of Representatives late on Sunday to deny the quorum needed to approve a bill that would mean new voting restrictions.

The Republican-controlled House had looked set to pass the bill before a midnight deadline which marked the end of the legislative session. The state's governor, Greg Abbott – a Republican – promptly tweeted that he would call a special legislative session to seek to get the measures passed, but didn't say when that would be.

Texas is the latest Republican-controlled state – after Florida and Georgia, among others – to try and push through such restrictions since November's presidential election.

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