Woman in critical condition after falling from funfair ride in London

Air ambulance called after plunge 'onto railings'

Colin Drury@colin__drury
Wednesday 11 April 2018 11:13
Police at funfair in West Drayton
Police at funfair in West Drayton

A woman is fighting for her life after plunging from a funfair ride in west London.

Paramedics and air ambulance rushed to the carnival in Philpots Farm, West Drayton, at around 8.15pm on Tuesday.

The woman, believed to be in her 40s, was said by witnesses to have fallen onto railings. She was taken to hospital where she remains in a critical condition.

Further details of her injuries have not yet been released.

A mother visiting the fair with her 13-year-old daughter told The Sun: “Someone has fallen out of a ride. She’s just flown over my brother’s head – the lady has fallen into the railings."

A London Ambulance Service spokesman said: "We sent a number of resources to the scene including ambulance crews, an advanced paramedic, an incident response officer and our hazardous area response team, with the first of our medics arriving in under three minutes.”

Scotland Yard confirmed the Health and Safety Executive has been informed of the incident.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: “Police were called by the London Ambulance Service (LAS) on Tuesday, April 10 at 8:15pm to a report of a woman injured after falling from a ride at a funfair at Philpots Farm, West Drayton.

The fair – called Funderpark – describes itself as “Europe’s largest mobile theme park”. It is scheduled to be at Philpots Farm until Sunday.


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