Mother diagnosed with cancer gets Times Square billboard to help find ‘good man’ for her daughter

‘It is only fair since Molly acted as my wingman, escorting me to various oncology appointments,’ mother says of her wingman attempts

Chelsea Ritschel
New York
Tuesday 04 January 2022 17:06
<p>Mother with cancer gets Times Square billboard to help daughter find a man</p>

Mother with cancer gets Times Square billboard to help daughter find a man

A mother diagnosed with cancer has taken it upon herself to find her daughter a romantic partner, by enlisting the help of a dating app and a billboard in Times Square.

Beth Davis, from Boston, Massachusetts, set out on a quest to find a “good man” for her daughter Molly Davis shortly after learning in 2020 that the breast cancer she had been diagnosed with in 2004 and treated with chemotherapy had spread, according to The New York Post.

To help with her search, Beth created a profile for her daughter on Wingman, a dating app that allows an individual’s friend or family member to write testimonials about them and find matches on their behalf.

In the profile, the 61 year old explained that she has been “on a mission to locate a good man for her daughter Molly” ever since she learned her cancer had spread.

“Beth hopes to find someone with a good family and a strong support system of friends, both of which she considers crucial to build a strong foundation in any relationship,” the profile reads, with Molly’s mother adding that she wants to know she is leaving her daughter “in good hands”.

The profile captured the attention of Wingman founder Tina Wilson, who decided to increase Molly’s chances of finding a suitable partner with a billboard, placed in New York City’s bustling Times Square.

The 47-ft-by-25-ft ad includes the text: “Date my daughter” along with a photo of 30-year-old Molly. A link to Molly’s dating profile is included at the bottom of the billboard, as well as a photo of Beth, who is quoted as saying: “I’m Molly’s wingman and her mom.”

According to Beth, who told The Post that “there is urgency” considering her “serious health issues” and the fact she and her husband Rick would like to walk Molly down the aisle together, the billboard helps with her goal of finding a man her daughter can marry.

“I would like to see my daughter well-settled,” she told the outlet, adding that it is “only fair” that she acts as Molly’s wingman, as her daughter “acted as my wingman, escorting me to various oncology appointments”.

The pair saw the billboard in person for the first time this past weekend, at which point Beth said she and her daughter “jumped up and down with excitement”.

“We stepped out of an Uber, turned a corner and there Molly was. I threw back my head, my glasses fell off and I giggled,” she told the outlet, before noting that “most people get 15 minutes of fame. But we are getting a whole month”.

On Facebook, where Beth shared photos of herself and her daughter smiling in front of the giant dating advertisement, she added that it was a “thrill of a lifetime” to see the pair displayed in Times Square.

She also found amusement in the placement of the billboard, which happens to be right next to one promoting pop star Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour album, telling The Post: “Poor Olivia. My daughter outshines her.”

In regards to how Molly feels about the tactic, she said that she is open to it as it casts a “wider net” and hopefully helps her find the partner she and her mother are looking for, with the 30-year-old medical-device salesperson adding: “I’m letting my mom have the fun of filtering through profiles and responses.”

As for what Molly is looking for in a partner, she told the outlet: “I want someone who adores me and someone I adore as well. I want someone who adds to my life. If this broadcasts that, it will all be worth it.”

In addition to looking to her parents’ relationship, which sees them “talk things over and reach for high degrees of kindness,” as inspiration, she also noted that someone who is “smart, kind and humourous would be the trifecta,” before explaining that this describes “someone with the essence of Chris Hemsworth or Ryan Reynolds”.

And while Beth admitted that some of her friends have described her attempts as “meddling,” she has also received a number of supportive comments on Facebook.

“This is beyond adorable! Both of you are amazing,” one person commented under the photos, while another said: “This is just awesome.”

Someone else suggested that the story could be made into a movie, writing: “This is so Hallmark that they could make it into a movie!”

Those who believe they could be a good match for Molly, or know someone who could be, are advised to contact or find Molly on the Wingman app.

The Independent has contacted Beth and Wingman for comment.

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