Premier League coronavirus testing: 1 positive from 1,829 tests on players and club staff

Latest round of testing spanned between Wednesday 17 June and Sunday 21 June

Tom Kershaw
Monday 22 June 2020 19:59
Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool's draw with Everton a fair result

One player or member of staff from a Premier League club has returned a positive result in the latest round of coronavirus testing.

The league has confirmed that 1,829 people were tested between Wednesday 17 June and Sunday 21 June.

The news comes after it was revealed that an Arsenal player had tested positive for coronavirus prior to the club’s defeat last Wednesday, when the Premier League resumed after 100 days.

The individual had come into close contact with two other members of the first-team squad, meaning all three players were expected to enter a period of self-isolation.

However, it’s believed that after the squad subsequently returned negative results during a further round of testing, with no symptoms shown by anyone at the training ground, the Premier League was satisfied that there was no safety risk

The three players returned to training a day before the restart and all featured in the 3-0 defeat at the Etihad.

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