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Katie Price to marry for third time


The model and celebrity Katie Price is set to walk down the aisle for a third time.

The 33-year-old mum-of-three will marry her Argentinian boyfriend Leandro Penna though a date for their nuptials has not been announced.

Her spokesman said today: "I can confirm they are engaged."

The former Page 3 girl - who shot to fame as glamour model Jordan - was first married in 2005 to pop singer Peter Andre, with whom she has two children, Junior, six, and Princess, four.

After the couple split up Ms Price went on to marry cross-dressing cage fighter Alex Reid in Las Vegas in August 2010.

Their whirlwind romance was quickly over and she went on to meet Mr Penna, 26.

Responding to well-wishers, Ms Price wrote on Twitter: "Woooo hoooo so excited," and: "Thankyou for all your nice tweets!I'm gonna enjoy the sunshine where I've just landed x".

Ms Price also has a son Harvey, aged nine, by footballer Dwight Yorke.
