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It is better for Rishi Sunak to lose an election than to win ugly

Anthony Seldon – biographer of six prime ministers – explains which lessons the current occupant of 10 Downing Street could stand to learn from history, and why the return of the ‘nasty party’ would be a mistake

Anthony Seldon
<p>I rate Rishi Sunak highly as a thoroughly professional, hard-working and serious-minded politician</p>


The Longer Read

<p>On 20 July there were more planes in the sky than ever before on a single day – 262,000 of them</p>

The sky’s the limit: Can green flying ever take off?

The head of one of the world’s biggest airlines has described carbon offset schemes as a ‘fraud’, writes Nick Ferris. So what should the industry be doing to tackle pollution, while causing minimal turbulence?

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