A British soldier was killed in Afghanistan by a mine explosion, the Ministry of Defence said today.

The soldier, from B Company 5th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland, was on patrol in the Lashkar Gar area when he stepped on a "legacy" anti-personnel mine at 11am yesterday.

He was killed instantly. Next of kin have been informed.

The MoD spokesman said: "He was part of a vehicle checkpoint patrol operating in the Lashkar Gar area when they received a report of an RPG attack on a civilian aircraft at Bost airfield in Lashkar Gar.

"When investigating this they dismounted their vehicles and that is when what is believed to have been a legacy anti-personnel mine detonated, killing the soldier instantly.

"The soldier's next of kin have been informed and have requested a 24-hour period of grace before further details are released."

Yesterday the MoD said a soldier from 13 Air Assault Support Regiment Royal Logistic Corps had died in Afghanistan when the vehicle he was patrolling in rolled over.

The latest death takes to 110 the number of British service personnel who have lost their lives since the start of operations in Afghanistan in November 2001.


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