Court bars BNP from taking on new members

Emergency reforms to the membership of the British National Party (BNP) discriminate against non-white people and must be brought into line with UK law, a court has ruled.

Until the far-right party complies with the judgment it is barred from taking on any new members. Last month, the BNP scrapped its whites-only policy in an attempt to avoid legal action brought by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

But at Central London County Court yesterday, Judge Collins ruled that while it was it is not unlawful to hold discriminatory views, it is unlawful for such principles to be used for controlled entry to a political party. Susie Uppal, director of legal enforcement at the EHRC, said after the decision: "The commission is glad that the judgment confirms our view that both the BNP's 11th constitution and the amended 12th constitution are unlawful.

"Political parties, like any other organisation, are obliged to respect the law and not discriminate against people who wish to become members."

Mr Griffin was met by a small group of protesters chanting "Nazi scum" when he arrived at court. During a day of legal submissions on Tuesday, the BNP was accused of "indirectly" discriminating against black and Asian people. The party denied the allegations and said it had a "waiting list" of such people and would welcome more applications from ethnic minorities.
