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<p>Down in the Gumps: Tom Hanks as Forrest in the 1994 Oscar winner</p>

Lay off Forrest Gump – this Tom Hanks classic doesn’t deserve the hate

It may have won six Oscars and made nearly $700m at the box office, but Robert Zemeckis’s ‘Forrest Gump’ remains violently polarising. Geoffrey Macnab looks at the disputed legacy of a modern classic
<p>Subtle brilliance: the actor’s downplayed style made her the antithesis of many other Hollywood female stars of the time </p>

Screen goddess Gene Tierney was more than just another Hollywood tragedy

As a major season of her films comes to the BFI, Geoffrey Macnab unravels the extraordinary life and career of a cinematic gem whose image as ‘the most beautiful woman in movie history’ has all too often overshadowed a timeless talent







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