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Six months into the Gaza war, Tories are hopelessly divided on Israel

Head shot of Andrew Grice

As Britain contemplates a ban on the sale of arms to Israel, the Conservative civil war is threatening to influence the government’s handling of a real-life conflict, writes Andrew Grice

Andrew Grice
<p>Former deputy foreign secretary Alan Duncan could be expelled from the Conservative Party after calling for action against pro-Israel Tory ‘extremists’ </p>


The Longer Read

<p>Blaming Meghan, like blaming Wallis Simpson for the brother’s strife is misguided </p>
In Focus

The vital lesson William and Harry should learn from history

A new biography of George VI and Elizabeth draws inevitable similarities between the destructive influence of Wallis Simpson and Meghan Markle on monarchy then and now. But, argues Anna Pasternak, the past tells us it’s the relationship between the future king and his brother we should really be concerned about...

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