Canada Votes 2011 the Unofficial Canadian Federal Election Thread

Topic started by FrankCanada97 on March 25, 2011. Last post by Famov 2 days, 3 hours ago.
Post by FrankCanada97 (3,428 posts) See mini bio Level 25 / 86 ACH / 1450 P

Election Day is May 2nd, the English and French leaders' debates are April 12th and 14th respectively

The Harper Government has just been toppled on the basis of Stephen Harper's government being "in contempt of parliament". This sets an election campaign to begin and continue until election day sometime in May. What say you Canadian Giant Bombers? Who has your support? 

If you are undecided in your voting intentions, this link may help you see which party aligns the most with your views.

Post by crusader8463 (5,632 posts) See mini bio Level 16 / 943 ACH / 7815 P

None of the above, but I will keep voting NDP. I like Mr. Laytons moustache, and I could see that moustache leading my country.  
I voted green party once for some reason I don't remember, but I think I'm going with NDP as long as Layton is running it. 
Post by FrankCanada97 (3,428 posts) See mini bio Level 25 / 86 ACH / 1450 P
@crusader8463: Which riding are you in?
Post by Trifork89 (64 posts) See mini bio Level 6 / 108 ACH / 1080 P

I'm Voting NDP
Post by FrankCanada97 (3,428 posts) See mini bio Level 25 / 86 ACH / 1450 P
So it seems like the main opposition is going to campaign on Harper's government disrespecting democracy and all that instead of the economic budget that was presented. It seems like this will result in more of the same, unless people's voter apathy suddenly vanishes.
Post by groin (286 posts) See mini bio Level 31 / 4794 ACH / 107265 P
I am one of those people that knows nothing about politics. I keep my head in the sand. I have never voted for anything.
Post by Wolverine (3,709 posts) See mini bio Level 10 / 48 ACH / 845 P
@FrankCanada97:  I'm American and I'm clueless about Canadian politics. Can you sum up the fundamentals of politics in Canada for me. (Political parties, how elections work, etc)
Post by TheMathlete (81 posts) See mini bio Level 19 / 1391 ACH / 25325 P
Like crusader, I don't have ties to any particular party.  So for right now, the best moustache wins...I guess.  I should probably do some research before I go to the polls first.
Post by bigsmoke77 (233 posts) See mini bio Level 18 / 2314 ACH / 52503 P
I am looking forward to a month of
- Attack Ads from the Conservatives that take things out of context and don't say anything about their own policies
- Liberal Ads criticizing conservatives polices but not saying what they plan on doing i.e. Saying we don't the F-35 fighter jets but not coming up with an alternative. (Not replacing the 30 year old SeaKing Helicopters in the 90's resulted in a 500 million dollar cancellation fee and 30 maintainence hours for every hour of flight)
- NDP Ads that consist of "hey those other guys are idiots you should give us a chance........................please"
- And the green party well, Mrs. May shouldn't have been aloud in the TV debates last election and I hope she doesn't get a spot this time........................... I might dislike the French Language but you kinda need it to be even considered a National Leader
Post by pieman32 (42 posts) See mini bio Level 8

The NDP. I cannot stand Harper and his secrecy ttowards the press. Givng this man majority is going to be a big mistake. I can see he has been timid about his intentions, but a majority will truly show what he is up to. Im not willing to wait for that.
Post by crusader8463 (5,632 posts) See mini bio Level 16 / 943 ACH / 7815 P
@FrankCanada97: Norton New Brunswick
Post by Mcfart (507 posts) See mini bio Level 12 / 1295 ACH / 18490 P
Harper will probably get a majority this time just because most Canadians will be like "fuck this"
Post by crusader8463 (5,632 posts) See mini bio Level 16 / 943 ACH / 7815 P
@TheMathlete: The main reason I vote NDP is because I found this website a while back that had this neat little flash app that was basically a test to see who you agreed with more. They just blindly asked you a couple dozen questions about various topics, then it totalled them all up and told you who you should vote on based on which ones had the majority of the topics you agreed with. It listed it all out in a nice simple format and showed you who agreed with what vote, a link to the source to show you where they said their stance on a policy, and a link to more information about them. 
For me NDP came out a head, and as far as I can recall I think we pretty much agreed on almost every topic. 
I wish I could find the site again.
Post by Jay_Ray (12 posts) See mini bio Level 28 / 1330 ACH / 24836 P
@Wolverine: Each constituency votes for a representative in parliament. Most people who are elected represent one of the 4 major parties; ie. Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc. The Green party is a major minor party. Conservatives are our right wing (though they hold similar polices to the US Democrats), NDP are our far left, and the Liberals are in between. The Bloc is Quebec only party but because of Quebecs large number of representatives and their popularity in Quebec they play a large role. The Bloq is all about Quebec Independence. The party with the most representatives controls parliament and the parties leader becomes Prime Minister. If that party holds more then 50% of the seats they have a majority government and can dictate their policies as they see fit. If they hold less then 50% they form a minority government and to prevent a second election they must partner with a 2 or 3 parties so they can hold at least 50% of parliament. If a law is voted on in parliament and is not passed an election occurs as a result of no confidence. Also an election must occur at least every 5 years if it is a majority government to prevent a party staying in power forever. 
Harper leads the Conservatives and is current Prime Minister
Ignatieff leads Liberals  
Layton leads NDP 
Duceppe leads the Bloc

I don't like Harper and like Ignatieff but I am more Conservative then Liberal so I don't know who I will vote for.
Post by cypher89 (23 posts) See mini bio Level 25 / 881 ACH / 8675 P
The Liberals have fallen under Ignatieff and Dion so I think this will be another minority, but the next few months will be interesting because I don't think either party has a enough votes for a majority.
Post by FrankCanada97 (3,428 posts) See mini bio Level 25 / 86 ACH / 1450 P
@cypher89: Dion may not have been a good leader, but it's not like the character assassination or the Liberal infighting didn't have anything to do with. Victim of circumstances I suppose.
Post by spudtastic (308 posts) See mini bio Level 10
I urge Canadians to vote for the party that will extract the most oil and sell it to the US.
Post by DeanoXD (98 posts) See mini bio Level 20 / 1223 ACH / 24035 P
all i know is this, if Harper manages to get a majority government we are fucked, he is much more right wing crazy then people seem to think and  they will do everything they can to adopt more U.S policies and lessen what it means to be Canadian.  Harper is more interested in being the PM then he is leading our country and strengthening what it means to be Canadian. The PC's in Canada want us to be the 51st state and that scares me,  but we haven't had and strong liberal leadership in years and we still don't and thats why we are in the perpetual loop of his government failing and having to go through another election just to end up in the same place, all the opposition parties are also all to focused on being the ones in power that they don't run or put forth the platform that people can believe in. So were are stuck with these bullshit politicians doing everything for themselves and nothing for us and our country. 
Post by yoshimitz707 (494 posts) See mini bio Level 31 / 1192 ACH / 20725 P
Does anyone know where I can get some relatively unbiased info on the stances of the various parties on things? I just turned 18 in October so this is going to be my first election and I'd like to be somewhat informed when voting.
Post by HandsomeDead (10,092 posts) See mini bio Level 20 / 1743 ACH / 33815 P
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Everyone I know is going with Ignatieff but I don't really know. I also can't vote so, whatever.