First-Person Perspective

First-Person Perspective is a concept that appears in 815 games
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First-Person is a vantage point that attempts to simulate looking through a game character's eyes. It is most commonly found in First-Person Shooters and Racing games, but also finds its way into other genres, such as RPGs and 3D Platformers.

The first person perspective steps up the level of immersion in games, and allows the player to feel like they are the character.

 Killing Nazis in Wolfenstein 3D
 Killing Nazis in Wolfenstein 3D
First person gameplay had its first steps into the mainstream with id Software's Wolfenstein 3D. Later it was used in the classic game, Doom. Doom made great strides in first person gameplay and, along with Quake in 1996, cemented first person games (most commonly shooters) as a staple of PC gaming.

The next year, Rareware Ltd. released Goldeneye for the N64. This game is commonly credited with making the first person view a viable perspective on a console system. Since Goldeneye, first person games have grown from simply shooters to adventure games, RPGs, and any game where the developer feels more immersion is needed.

 You are Samus Aran in Metroid Prime
 You are Samus Aran in Metroid Prime
In the modern era, not many advancements can be made to the core mechanics of first person control, so the focus seems to have shifted to immersion. Games like the Metroid Prime series contain effects where if the lighting is just right, the player can see the reflection of Samus Aran's face on the inside of the visor. Also, in the Halo Series, the HUD is designed to always look like the player is viewing the info inside a helmet, and then when perspective swithces to third person, the HUD changes as well.
General Information Edit
Concept Name: First-Person Perspective
Appears in: 815 games
First appearance: Spasim
Aliases 1st Person
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